the Mission forward

Avanoa Mining’s mission of seeking out asteroids to mine for resources is born from both the desire to explore our Solar System and the necessity to address concerns arising here on Earth.

Our vision is to send autonomous mining rigs and systems to the Asteroid Belt to establish a “web” of resource extraction and scientific improvement beyond the boundaries of our atmosphere. This vision is designed with the goal of eliminating the need to aggressively mine for resources here on Earth and alleviate the effects human industrialization has had on our climate.

why our mission matters

We only have one Earth.

The progression of our society demands growth. Whether this growth is from labor, advances in technology and medicine, or general improvements, it requires the materials to sustain it. The foundation for all sectors of development is raw materials. The planes we fly, servers we program on, and cars we drive all rely on the metals and Rare-Earth Elements (REE’s) mined from the Earth. And while our Earth is massive, the deposits in which we find these materials are finite. By 2060, we can see an increase of mining activities by 60% to sustain technological growth. As REE deposits dry up, we can see an increase in the prices of electronic and other goods which rely on these materials. The scarcity of resources is a threat to future generations and poses a risk to how we view our everyday lives. 

mining and climate change

The mining industry is a large contributor to the effects of climate change. Mining operations require large amounts of open, dug out land to reach deposits. As a result, forested areas are often cut down with the local flora and fauna being displaced to accommodate the equipment. This also leads to soil erosion due to removal of root systems and soil structure. 

Mining also requires large amounts of water to aid in cooling and processing of ore, leading to the drainage of local water sources or the pollution of water tables in the area. Runoff and gaseous byproducts also can increase pollutants in the air, further contributing to climate change issues. 

In order to both meet our growing needs and mitigate our affects on the environment, we must find alternative solutions to our current approaches.  

addressing our material needs

Although our current mining industry has a large impact on the environment, we still require the materials derived from it to provide power and infrastructure to our communities.

In 2021, we saw approximately 2.8 billion tons of metal mined for use in steelmaking, construction, and electronics. The expansion of emerging industries such as renewable energy will require more output from our earth-based deposits to meet infrastructure demand.

Raw materials are just as necessary for everyday development. An estimated 20 tons are required per person per year in the United States to maintain critical systems like roads, power plants, and buildings*.



The concept of asteroid mining addresses two major issues in our current mining industry - material scarcity and environmental impact. Our Solar System’s Asteroid Belt hold quintillions of dollars worth of REE’s, carbon composites, silicates, and iron ores. While the dollar value of these materials would change based on supply and demand, the critical factor is the amount of materials readily available within the Belt. Mining these materials would sustain human technological development for centuries and potentially fuel our infrastructure development on Mars and other celestial bodies in our Solar System.

Transitioning mining operations into space also reduces the industry’s carbon footprint. Volatile gases can be expelled directly into the vacuum of space or collected to be used in future operations. Asteroid landscapes are barren, which allows easier access to deposits. 

While we are excited that our solution and provide some alleviation to issues we’re seeing in our daily lives, the challenges we face to land on our first asteroid are many. We welcome you to join us in facing these challenges with unique solutions to help us forge our future amongst the stars.